New and Exciting Things!

There is a bunch of new stuff to announce, so I’m just going to go with a good ol’ fashioned list.

WARNING: Toxic positivity ahead, if feeling overly cynical today, turn back now.

1) We have joined the Centre for Social Innovation!

As of this April, the Green Society Campaign is an official member of the Centre for Social Innovation. Since I wouldn’t do justice to what exactly CSI is, I shall simply quote from their website:

The Centre for Social Innovation is a social enterprise with a mission to catalyze social innovation in Toronto and around the world. We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges. We also believe that new innovations are the key to turning these challenges into opportunities to improve our communities and our planet.

We’re a coworking space, community, and launchpad for people who are changing the world, with three locations in Toronto and a location in New York City. We provide our members with the tools they need to accelerate their success and amplify their impact. Together, we’re building a movement of nonprofits, for-profits, entrepreneurs, artists, and activists working across sectors to create a better world.

This is an absolutely fantastic opportunity for us and we couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this community. What does this mean for you guys? Nothing really, except you can now mail us at 720 Bathurst Street (send us postcards!).

2) We are now a business!

After years acting without any specific legal standing, we have decided to become a for-profit partnership. We see ourselves as a social enterprise and therefore our mission has not changed. We remain committed to working with environmental non-profits and charities to improve their media presence and strengthen the movement towards sustainability as a whole and for those of you who have known us the past three years of our existence nothing will change. What this decision does do, however, is allow the Green Society Campaign to operate in a way that is not only environmentally and socially sustainable, but also economically. When we started this organization we knew we never wanted to be a group that survived on simply asking you for money to support us, thus this was a necessary step in that direction. We are now actively soliciting paid work within the environmental field for video projects, event management and media consulting so if you or someone you know is looking for these services we would be more than happy to help!

3) We are welcoming a new staff member, Maya Fromstein! 

MayaGSCMaya has already proved herself invaluable within our work to promote the Summer Food Kickoff and we are eagerly awaiting her upcoming blog posts on organic farming, vermiculture and sustainable agriculture. For more information on our new staff member please check out our staff page.

4) We are now operating with two ‘affiliate groups’!

This announcement is something that has already been operating in the background for the past six months, however, each opportunity has now solidified itself that we have needed to find a way to refer to them on the website. The first affiliate group is Green Majority Media, where our partnership to produce Green Majority TV continues (big announcements in that arena coming soon). The second is with #GreenPeopleTO, a Toronto based organization that works to provide community building events for environmentalists of all stripes. Our SUP (Social Undefined Plans for Sustainable UnProfessionals) events aim to bring green minds together with the goal of simply making friends. Follow the hashtag or check out the website for information on the next event!