I watched a documentary this weekend about the widespread distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and their effects on human health. More specifically, one of the things the film focuses on the concerns around pesticide abuse, which GMO products are often created to be able to withstand. This concern ties into a larger debate about the difficulties discerning what is needed to feed our population and what cannot be accepted. The hour long documentary can be viewed at the bottom of this post.
Genetically Modified Foods in America via YouTube. Check your cupboard out after watching (you’ll definitely want to). I’m a really cautious person when it comes to what I use to fuel my body. However, still strapped with a budget it’s hard and unmanageable to purchase good wholesome food all of the time. On a student budget, I can’t just buy $8 oatmeal to assure that my food is free of preservatives, pesticides and GMO grains. I try to stay away from the usual unhealthy suspects like processed foods, refined sugars, etc. But what truly frightened me was the possibility that the fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grains I consume had been tampered with–without my consent or knowledge.
Foods like soy, corn and wheat are the big guns in the GMO world because most products use these ingredients to make other products. Unless a product says it’s GMO-free you have to assume it’s not.
Interestingly, check out this forum for some interesting discussion on General Mills and their use of GMOs.
The Non-GMO Project is a great way to check what you’re buying online. They even have an app you can use while you’re grocery shopping.
I hope you find this as eye opening as I did. There is still much debate about the use of the use of these crops in our food production. As with anything, take everything with a grain of salt and do your research to find what you consider to be the truth.