Check out some of the other great projects that we here at the Green Society Campaign are involved with!
The Green Majority
The Green Majority started as a radio show on CIUT 89.5 FM back in 2006, and is today still going strong. The radio show (and podcast) is nationally syndicated on more than 18 campus and community stations across Canada, reaching more than 50,000 weekly listeners. Today in 2014, we want to make that number much larger by reaching out to the YouTube community as well. With headlines and exclusive member content, Green Majority Media is out to provide high quality environmental news and education to the public for free, but to grow we need your help!
GreenPeople TO
Founded in 2013, GreenPeopleTO came together to build a community of environmentally minded young people in Toronto. We are out to break the mold of how environmentalists (even those who may not define themselves as such) meet each other and collaborate. There will always be a place for business networking and groups being formed around particular issues, but we wanted to create events with, quite literally, no barrier of entry. Don’t work in the environmental field? No problem! Don’t actually feel like you have time to pursue any particular issue? That’s totally fine! Our events thrive on three things, good fun, good puns and a relaxed inviting atmosphere. Come join us at the next event!
The Young Canadian Arctic Forum
Planned and organized by a group of High School students, the Young Canadian Arctic Forum is youth focussed and youth led event that aims to get younger canadians interested in the unique challenges that face northern ecosystems and communities. The forum is happening this August 16th! So sign-up today!